On Tuesday, Olivia Munn took to Instagram to set the record straight on her changing looks. Posting a side-by-side split of two red carpet photos, the "Ride Along 2" star explained the differences her fans have noticed.
"Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you I love research," she began her lengthy caption. "Convinced that there's got to be natural, healthy ways (ie not only the rich and connected can do it) to keep your skin from aging, I do lots of research."
Noting that the photo on the left was from one year ago and the image on the right was from last month, Munn, 35, went on to share four tips to keeping healthy skin.
"I lost 12 pounds this past year while training for Xmen. I kept it off by coming up w/an hour workout I do a few times a week," she wrote. "The weight loss leaned out my cheeks and jawline. Working out is also great for your skin because it increases blood flow to your face which helps rejuvenate."
The "Newsroom" alum revealed that she shapes her own eyebrows, but had recently let the tops of the brows grow in after her facialist told her she was shaping them into a frown.
"That gave my brows a more horizontal angle and instantly brightened my eyes," Munn wrote.
Adding that she loves her freckles, Munn said she's been focused on getting rid of sunspots, using Proactive Mark Fading Pads to reduce their appearance. And her final piece of advice was the most unique.
"Japanese potatoes that are high in Hyaluronic Acid help keep wrinkles away," she said. "There are Hyaluronic Acid pills and vitamins but I think that the best way to get it in your system is by eating them in foods that naturally have them."
This isn't the first time Munn has posted an explanation of her looks on Instagram. After Sophie Turner posted a group snapshot of her "X-Men: Apocalypse" co-stars, fans wondered if Munn was wearing an engagement ring.
At the Vanity Fair and FIAT Toast to Young Hollywood event in Los Angeles, California, she set the record straight with ET, revealing that she is not, in fact, engaged to her boyfriend Aaron Rodgers.
"I have an emerald ring and had to put it on my left hand so my finger didn't get swollen," Munn said.
reference source:foxnews